Legendary Land Plots Sale

  • Purchase a Legendary Land Plot NFT to Earn Daily Profits on all P2E Game Revenue
  • 10% of all Player Game Earnings are sent to land owners (splits evenly across all 1000 owners)
  • NFT Pricing will go up over time or may sell out at any time
  • Hurry before the price increases! Starting at 200 MATIC (Polygon) Each (check below for latest pricing)
  • NFT Owner Wallets are updated daily on the Revenue Share Contract (allow up to 24 hours for changes)
  • Own more than one NFT to get more share of the revenue

Land Revenue can be tracked here on this contract : https://polygonscan.com/address/0x7638660ac6fd6113611ed47c9a8bf265ca11b640


Contract on Polyon: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x7638660ac6fd6113611ed47c9a8bf265ca11b640